PRIZEFISH "Piloting of eco-innovative fishery supply–chains to market added–value Adriatic fish products"


PRIZEFISH is a European Territory Cooperation project, co-financed by the INTERREG VA Italy- Croatia 2014-2020 Programme ( under the Priority Axis 1 “Blue Innovation”.

The project has a total budget of 3.117,680.00 EUR, of which 85% are co-financed by the ERDF (2,650,028.00 EUR)
ASSAM, as project partner, has a total budget of 199.850,00 EUR , with 85% (169.872,50 EUR) is being co-financed by the ERDF and 15% , 29.977,50 EUR co-financed by national funds.

PRIZEFISH is coordinated by the University of Bologna and involves 13 public and private partners from Italy and Croatia:

PRIZEFISH is a European Territory Cooperation project, co-financed by the INTERREG VA Italy- Croatia 2014-2020 Programme ( under the Priority Axis 1 “Blue Innovation”.

The project has a total budget of 3.117,680.00 EUR, of which 85% are co-financed by the ERDF (2,650,028.00 EUR)
ASSAM, as project partner, has a total budget of 199.850,00 EUR , with 85% (169.872,50 EUR) is being co-financed by the ERDF and 15% , 29.977,50 EUR co-financed by national funds.

PRIZEFISH is coordinated by the University of Bologna and involves 13 public and private partners from Italy and Croatia:


The project overall objective to make Italian and Croatian Adriatic SMEs and Producer Organizations (POs), dedicated to fishing and commercializing fishery products, to be more competitive in the Member State and International food markets than present day. This aim will be achieved by developing and piloting innovative fish products with added-value given by ecolabels fulfilling requirements of environmental, economic and social sustainability. Eco-innovative PRIZEFISH seafood products will be attractive to consumers and markets more sensitive to environmental-friendly products. PRIZEFISH will also enhance cooperation with territorial public authorities (i.e. Counties, Regions and Development Agencies) that can play critical actions supporting socio-economic development of Adriatic fishery SMEs and rural coastal communities.

ASSAM, as project partner, will act to ensure the interactive and effective stakeholder engagement into project activities and results transfer. Moreover the Agency will capitalize the experience on traceability and quality gained as “QM - Quality of Marche” Certifying Authority.


Duration: Jan 2019- Jun 2021.



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Lead Partner: Alma Mater Studiorum - University Of Bologna
Fausto Tinti: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ASSAM's contact persons:
Uriano Meconi: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ugo Testa: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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