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The Functional Position "Marche Region Plant Protecion Service (Marche R.P.P.S.) and Agrometereology” provides for:
- The implementation on the regional territory of the European and National phytosanitary measures;
- The execution of phytosanitary controls on plants, plants products and other regulated articles coming from extra EU countries;
- The phytosanitary certification for plants, plants products and other regulated articles to be exported to extra EU countries;
- Pest surveys on the regional territory for the statement of the National Pest Status;
- The execution of the audit programme on pests, in compliance with the 2016/2031 e 2017/625 Regulations, for official controls or other official activities;
- The development and dissemination of phytosanitary control and preventive strategies;
- The drawing up of integrated control regulations, to improve the phytosanitary status and quality of plant products, and the granting of exceptions from them;
- The Laboratory Analysis management for plants for diagnostic tests;
- The Agrometeorology Service management according to the European, national and regional program;