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The ASSAM Agrometereologial Service provides:
- Weather database: it is daily updated and stores over ten years time series of meteorological data detected from the regional agrometeorological network ( Rete Meteo).
Hourly, daily and monthly datasets are validated and stored in the Microsoft SQL Server, Their reliability and integrity is granted by cybersecurity and backup. Each weather station provides different weather variables such us: air and soil temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, rainfall, leaf soaking, global and net radiation, sunshine duration, snow cover thickness; - Weather forecast: ( DOWNLOAD THE WEATHER FORECAST)
4-day weather forecast for the Marche Region describing the general European and Italian situation/evolution.
The weather forecasts are daily issued and available for the short and mid term covering the spacial details on the Marche Region. They are available on:- WEB
- Mailing list (registration required at http.//
- Agrometeorological Newsletter
- Agrometeorological Newsletter: issued by the Local Agrometeorological Centres for each province and provides farmers and experts with information for the correct integrated and organic agronomic grapevine, olive, crops and orchards management. The development of specific strategies of integrated and organic production requires to observe the land agro-phenological, epidemiological and weather situation by means of decision taking models. The weekly Agrometeorological newsletter is available via e-mail and at: website
- Nitrate Bulletin: edited in compliance with the Decision of the Marche Regional Council n. 1282/2019, to establish compulsory days in November and February during which the use of nitrogen fertilizer is allowed or not. The bulletin is published for the specific period on the website.
- Website there are two sections Meteo and Agrometeo. The Meteo section presents the daily updated Weather Bullettin illustrating the main thematic and numerical weather data measured by the regional network. The Agrometeo section contains the Agrometeorological Newsletter, the Nitrate Bullettin and the following specialistic tools addressed to the integrated production:
- thematic presentation of the hydroclimatic balance, of temperature and rainfall changes and of the standardised precipitation index (SPI);
- specific routine calculation of potential and actual potential evapotranspiration (PET) in the chosen station and for the interested crop;
- georeferenced representations of the pest populations’ dynamics on the main crops;
- georeferenced representations of the olive tree ripening index;
- diagrams of hourly weather data to protect from Plasmopara Viticola.
The area " Supporto alla produzione integrata e biologica" (support to integrated and organic production) offers specifications on the integrated culture managements according to the Marche Region Regulation on Agronomic communiques and Integrated control.
- Data and processed information to external users: on request ( Richiesta dati) weather data, processed information and specialistic support are provided. The price list is available on the website.