
Through the years the A.S.S.A.M. apiculture research has been mainly focused on honeys of the Marche Region so to impressively improve their characterization and enhancement.

The publication aims at providing beekeepers and food sector operators with a technical and scientific instrument which is a useful promotional linking tool among manufactures and consumers and reporting the organoleptic features, as well as some of potential honey uses in cooking and cosmetics

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pdf.png Opuscolo Carta dei Mieli delle Marche 2014-01-28 3.46 MB 5,654 Download

Safety implies not only "preventing injuries” but also an ongoing improvement of the workers’ safety and health.

The Legislative Decree n.81/2008 distinguishes obligations according to the type of farm. illustrative booklet on the D.Lgs. 81/2008 contents and implementation areas.

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pdf.png Lavorare "in sicurezza" ... come? 2014-01-13 2014-04-03 744.74 KB 3,219 Download

The publication is addressed to those interested in truffle growing, providing very accessible and useful information to star the activity.

The publication aims at increasing the knowledge and awareness on the truffle-growing sector, within which ASSAM plays a leading role at national and European level. Truffle growing contributes to boost the inland economy and incomes, supporting its sustainable development

FREE DOWNLOAD (Double language version):

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pdf.png LA TARTUFICOLTURA NELLE MARCHE - 1982 · 2012, trent’anni di esperienza 2015-02-09 2.91 MB 6,881 Download


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