
Prizefish Project Activities

The certification "ARFM"

Cross-Border Training Module: The Certification Programmme “ARFM – Adriatic Responsible Fisheries Management” (Activities 3.4 – 4-4)

This document is a summary of the activities implemented within the project, which lead to the definition of a Certification Program “Adriatic Responsible Fisheries Management (ARFM)”, and is aimed to transfer the information and involve all the operators potentially interested to join the program in the future.

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Marketing and valorization of Adriatic fish products

Cross-Border Training Module: Consumer attitude towards eco-innovative seafood products, designing eco-innovative value chains and the PRIZEFISH App for the valorisation of the Adriatic fish products (Activity 5.4)

This document is a summary of the activities implemented within the project aimed to assess the main recent consumers’ trends and understand:

  • The general consumer attitudes towards seafood;
  • The reaction of consumers on specific new proposed eco-innovative products, in terms also of willingness to buy and willingness to pay;
  • The perceived importance of ecologic/ sustainable choices inside fishery supply chain by consumers (e.g., certifications).

Further, the document includes the “eco-innovative value chains design” recommendations elaborated using the framework of the Business Model Canvas. Finally, the third section presents the PRIZEFISH App developed for the valorization of the Adriatic fish products.

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pdf.png Training Module marketing 2021-12-28 5.71 MB 506 Download


Mapping of Adriatic Fisheries in the Adriatic sea

D 3.1.1 / D 3.1.2 -The first phase of analysis and mapping of Adriatic fisheries in Italy and Croatia has been completed, with the aim of selecting a number of fisheries for each of the two countries and developing precise guidelines on how to achieve sustainable standards at regional and cross-border level. This report corresponds and summarizes the data collected and the results identified.

Complete reports in English:

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pdf.png Report 2 D3.1.1. Report of the mapped fisheries in Italy 2020-11-10 3.01 MB 1,141 Download
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pdf.png Report 3 D3.1.2. Report of the mapped fisheries in Croatia 2020-11-10 3.28 MB 1,139 Download


Consultation meetings with fisheries sector stakeholders

D 3.2.1 / D 3.2.2 - In accordance with the first phase of mapping of the fisheries activities, this report summarizes the results of the meetings between operators and scientists involved in the project, with the purpose to test the interest of the fishing operators to enter in a new certification process ad hoc implemented for the Adriatic fisheries

Complete reports in English:


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