Professional Operators

Professional Operators

Controls on national products, coming from or going to the EU internal market

Within the EU single market the free movement of plants and plants products is the normal standard.
Nevertheless pests can be widespread by some productions. Therefore the nursery practice or other productive activities may require an authorisation or the enrolment in special registers, according to the typology. The products entering the single market may be controlled to check their compliance with the declared variety and phytosanitary state.

For information:
Marche Region Plant Protection Service (Marche R.P.P.S.) – ASSAM
Via dell’ Industria 1- Osimo (AN)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Certified Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or -> Contact Us

Offices and territorial sites Phone Fax
Main headquarter and Province of Ancona +39 071 8081 +39 071 85979
Province of Ascoli Piceno and Fermo +39 0735 654131 +39 0735 654131
Province of Macerata +39 0733 233771 +39 0733 272380
Province of Pesaro - Urbino +39 0721 861663 +39 0721 878258


Plant Nursery
(art. 19 D.Lgs 214/2005)

Professional Operators – RUOP register (Official register of professional operators) 
(art. 65 Regulation EU 2016/2031)

Reference legislation >>

Authorisation to the use the EU plant passport
(Regulation EU 2031/2016)
Le piante, i prodotti vegetali e particolari tipi di merci possono circolare solo se accompagnate da un passaporto fitosanitario. Gli Operatore Professionali possono applicare un passaporti delle piante solo se autorizzati dal Servizio Fitosanitario Regionale.

Reference legislation >>

Authorisation To Produce Wine Propagation Material
(Ministerial Decree 8/2/2005)

Reference legislation >>

Seed Activity
(art. 12D.Lgs 2/08/2007, n. 150)

Reference legislation >>

Accreditation of suppliers

Accreditation of vegetable suppliers
D.Lgs 07 luglio 2011 n. 124
Accreditation of fruit suppliers
D.Lgs 25 giugno 2010 n. 124 – DM 6 dicembre 2016
Registration enterpries as accreditated suppliers of ornamental plants propagation material
(D.Lgs 19 maggio 2000 n. 151)
Accreditation of phytosanitary analysis laboratories

Reference legislation >>


In case of doubts please go to the FAQ section on NPPO webpage: > DOMANDE FREQUENTI >



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pdf.png Modello unico richiesta autorizzazione art. 19 e accreditamento fornitori 2020-05-28 170.16 KB 2,303 Download
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pdf.png Allegati R-S-T-V-Z relativi alla compilazione Modello Unico 2020-05-28 124.12 KB 3,727 Download
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pdf.png Note Esplicative Compilazione Modello Unico 2020-05-28 111.8 KB 4,847 Download


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pdf.png Modello registrazione RUOP 2020-05-28 333.89 KB 2,124 Download
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pdf.png Centro aziendale (modulo aggiuntivo) 2020-05-28 130.59 KB 1,895 Download
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pdf.png Importatori (muduli aggiuntivi) 2020-05-28 182.79 KB 1,796 Download
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pdf.png Esportatori (moduli aggiuntivi) 2020-05-28 185.24 KB 1,887 Download


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pdf.png Richiesta di autorizzazione al rilascio del Passaporto delle piante 2020-05-28 321.94 KB 2,101 Download
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pdf.png Autodichiarazione bollo 2020-05-28 295.24 KB 1,991 Download


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pdf.png Modello autocertificazione comunicazione antimafia 2020-05-28 335.31 KB 4,278 Download
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pdf.png Comunicazione variazione attività 2020-05-28 2020-05-28 84.22 KB 5,298 Download
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pdf.png Richiesta di esame professionale art. 19 2020-05-28 2020-05-28 39.38 KB 3,914 Download
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pdf.png Richiesta di vidimazione Registri 2020-05-28 2020-05-28 75.95 KB 3,695 Download
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pdf.png Informativa trattamento dati personali 2014-02-18 2019-06-12 57.51 KB 10,151 Download



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pdf.png Tariffa fitosanitaria 2020-05-28 224.57 KB 5,798 Download


MARCHE TAXES – ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE (payment, controls and inspections, regulations)



ASSAM Headquarter

ASSAM - Agency for Agro-food Sector Services of the Marche Region

Via Industria, 1 - 60027 Osimo Stazione (AN) - Italy
(+39) 071 8081
(+39) 071 85979
 Certified Email:

Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Tuesdays and Tuesdays: 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

 VAT Registration Number 01491360424
 REA AN 148671

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